My oldest Matchbox collectible is from 1954. It is the #6A Euclid Quarry Truck. Here is the truck along with its hard to find "Script" box. Only the first 7 Matchbox models issued had the word "Moko" in script lettering.

The backs of many of the cards had a trivia question. You got the answer to the question by rubbing the white area to reveal the answer. Here is the card of Jom Bouton, #470 in the set. I had this card autographed by Jim when I met him at a baseball ccard show.
This is card #550 of Ken Hubbs. The all star player tragically died in a plane crash in February 1964. Topps printed his card as a memorial to him.
Here is the best card from the set. Apparently Topps had some problems with numbers. Check out the back of Dave Bennett's card. It says "The 19-year old righthanded curveballer is just 18 years 0ld!"