In 1957, Matchbox introduced their first Service Station which is described on the box as ""Showroom and Service Station for Matchbox Toys". It was based on a real station close to one of the Matchbox factories. Here it is.

To the left is the box it came in. A few years later, the same station was produced but had a red building with a yellow base.
Also shown is the the first accessory Matchbox issued, the 3 gas pumps with attendant and Esso sign. This was first issued in 1956. Its box is shown to the left.
The cars shown, from left to right, are the #45(A) Vauxhall Victor, the #13(B) Bedford Wreck Truck, the #46(A) Morris Minor and the 11(B) Road Tanker. All these cars were first issued in 1958.